Trust the Pig! tm
1.Financial Benefit of Using the Gas Pump Piggy Bank.
Will the Gas Pump Piggy Bank Help Me?
The Gas Pump Piggy Bank will help anyone who drives a car that takes an octane level somewhere between the highest (usually 93) and lowest (usually 87) levels of octane at the gas pump. Basically, that means if your car takes 91 octane gas, you will save money if you use the Gas Pump Piggy Bank.
If your car takes 87 octane gas, it won’t help you. If your car takes 93 octane gas, it won’t help you.
How much money will I save if I use the Gas Pump Piggy Bank?
That will vary based on the different prices of each level of octane and the overall price of gas. But in the fall of 2022, the average savings was around 5% – 7%. Further, every time you click on “Save”, the amount you saved is added to Mr. Piggy’s Piggy Bank which keeps track of your total savings. Pretty cool!
What do you mean by saving 5% – 7%?
Saving 5% – 7% means that you will spend approximately 5% – 7% less on the cost of gas using the recommendations from the Gas Pump Piggy Bank than if you were to put in just 93 octane in your car.
So what’s that amount to?
On average, people put about 650 gallons of gas in their cars each year. If gas costs $5.00 a gallon, then you would save approximately between $160 and $225 a year.
Will this harm my engine?
No. As long as the blended octane rating of the gas you put in your car equals the octane your engine requires, your engine will be happy. Most experts agree that there is no benefit to putting gasoline in a car with a higher octane rating that your engine requires. In fact, the American Automobile Association estimates that Americans waste over 2 billion dollars a year buying premium on engines that don’t need it. However, every engine is unique. If you begin to hear a pinging sound from your engine or your engine appears to underperform, then you should immediately discontinue use of Gas Pump Piggy Bank and not continue to put in a blended octane mix. Per our Terms of Use, we are not liable for any damage to your car and its engine after you start to use Gas Pump Piggy Bank.
2. How to Use the Gas Pump Piggy Bank.
Watch the Gas Pump Piggy Bank Video Tutorial
How do I use the Gas Pump Piggy Bank?
The Gas Pump Piggy (“Mr. Piggy”) is easy to use.
- All you have to do is tell it the octane level your car needs. It defaults to 91. And it will remember your octane level from the last time you used it. But you could change the octane level, if for example you were using it for a different car.
- Then tell it how much gas you want to buy. Either put in the amount of gas in terms of money or gallons, but not both. If you do put in both, Mr. Piggy figures you really meant money and its recommendation will be based on the amount of money you said you wanted to spend.
- Then you have to enter the price of each type of octane. When entering the price of gas, you must enter the decimal point, otherwise Mr. Piggy does not know whether you are entering dollars or cents.
- It assumes the octane levels are 93, 89 and 87 and remembers the prices you entered the last time you used Mr. Piggy. If the price of gas has changed, then enter the cost of 93 octane on top, 87 on bottom. If you enter the wrong prices for the wrong octanes, you will get a negative savings. If that happens, just go back an re-enter the prices correctly.
- Then press Calculate Optimal Blend and Mr. Piggy will tell you how much gas to buy for each recommended octane level.
- When you click on Save, the amount of money you saved from this purchase is added to the cumulative amount of money in your Piggy Bank from your past purchases.
Couldn’t be easier. Trust the Pig! tm .
If you have any questions about the App (or life), email Mr. Piggy at He will try to get back to you within 24 hours. He is one vigilant pig!
Wait a second, doesn’t that mean I have to put the gas nozzle in my car twice and insert my credit card twice?
That’s correct, Bunky. That is the overhead of using Mr. Piggy’s recommendation. Basically you will spend one more minute at the gas pump when you stop putting in the gas at one octane level, and then put in the gas at the second octane level. That is the price to save around $200.
Does it matter which octane level I put in first in my car?
I don’t see Save on page 2. What’s the deal with that?
If you have a small phone, you might not see the Save button on page 2. If you scroll down, it will appear, and that way you can keep track of your overall savings.
I hit Save twice, so now my piggy bank has too much money in it. How can I fix that?
Good question. Everybody does that. You can adjust the amount in your piggy bank by moving the cursor on page 1 over Mr. Piggy’s piggy bank. Then you can enter whatever amount you want.
3. About the Inventor, Mr. Pumpi Pig.
Just who is this Mr. Pumpi (Gas) Piggy?
Mr. Pumpi Pig is one smart swine. A precocious porker, Pumpi Pig, a/ka/ PP (not to be confused with those other famous PPs, Pauline and Parcus Penguin), noticed that the price of gas is going up and up. He wanted to help combat that feeling of helplessness at the pump, that he was getting screwed by the gas companies. PP drives a classy chassis that takes 91 octane gas.
PP has known for a long time that putting 93 octane in his tank, did nothing for his engine according to the American Automobile Association. So when gas prices started to go sky high, PP started mixing 93 and 89 octane, resulting in 91 octane, but at a much lower cost than just putting premium in his car. PP could figure out those amounts in his piggy head and he was grateful for his piggy savings. And PP pledged to take his savings from the pump and put those pennies in a piggy bank for the benefit of his little piggy children. And PP was happy.
Then PP began to notice that the price of 87 octane gas was way, way below the price of 89, and PP wondered if he should mix 93 octane and 87 octane to get even more savings. But PP couldn’t do that math in his head without frying his bacon brain, so he developed a calculator to help him keep track of all the numbers. That way PP was sure that he was getting the best bargain he could at the pump, while still putting the correct octane level in his porcine pocket rocket. Sometimes, according to PP’s calculator he saved the most money by mixing 89 and 93, sometimes by mixing 87 and 93. PP couldn’t figure it out, but his trusty calculator could. And PP was happier and was putting more and more pennies in his piggy bank.
Now PP wants to share with you the benefits of his magic formula that keeps his car happy while putting pennies (sometimes even nickels, dimes and quarters) in his piggy bank and keeping those pennies away from the gas companies.
How does PP explain the rising price of gas?
Greed on the part of the oil companies. As Paul Krugman points out, when the price of a barrel of oil goes up, gas prices skyrocket fast. But when the price of a barrel of oil comes down, gas prices float down, slowly like a feather. That’s called greed. Oil and gas company profits are soaring. When the cost of food goes up, restaurant profits don’t go up. You should expect the price of gas to go up when the price of oil rises, but gas company profits should not increase. That’s wrong and PP believes the public is being played for suckers. If it didn’t insult his relatives, PP would call gas company executives greedy pigs. It’s time for gas company executives to get their snouts out of the money trough.
Isn’t PP pontificating just a bit from his piggy pulpit?
Absolutely. PP remembers his grandma and grandpa piggy telling him about a time long, long ago called the 60s and the 70s. When people used to say things like, “Power to the people” and “Think globally, act locally.” And that is what PP is trying to accomplish with his Gas Pump Piggy Bank. Take power and money away from the gas companies and keep it with the people where it belongs.
A grass roots movement, so to speak?
That’s right. PP has done the math. Right now there are approximately 300 million cars on the road in the U.S. Approximately 20% take 91 octane fuel. That means 60 million cars run on 91 octane fuel. If the Gas Pump Piggy Bank saves each of those 60 million car owners $200 per year (FAQ #4), that is 12 billion dollars each year that is in the pockets of the consumer and not in the money trough of the gas companies. They used to say in the 60s that every marathon starts with one step. PP hopes to start one with your step. Remember: Trust the Pig! tm
Why not just drive a Tesla?
Elon Musk is why not drive a Tesla. Do you trust your life in his hands? Or in his design? Here is the best article PP ever read about Mr. Musk. PP wonders how many of his termination letters to Twitter employees contain non-disclosure clauses? PP knows things about Mr. Musk the average pig does not know. For example, did you (PP is not saying you are a pig) know that Elon was originally Mr. Musk’s middle name? Originally his first name was Felix, but Mr. Musk, for obvious reasons, preferred Elon. His transition to Elon was not overnight. At first, he went by “F. Elon Musk”. Then “F Elon Musk”, with no period after the F. But that spelled “Felon” which had a preternatural foreboding to it. So Mr. Musk dropped the “F” and officially changed his name to Elon. PP knows stuff like this.
Is it true that PP is related to Porky Pig?
Not clear. PP would like to think so. Porky no. Disney definitely not. Seriously, though, according to 19 and Me (pigs have 38 chromosomes), PP and Porky score .45 on the shared genetic scale, which means there is a one-in-four chance that they are cousins thrice removed. PP is puzzled by that conclusion.
Is it true that PP dated Miss Piggy?
In his dreams. In her nightmares. However, there was that one magical night in Tunisia, but pursuant to the terms of a certain document PP signed between him and PBS, he can divulge no further details about that evening of rapture.
What is PP’s favorite Seinfeld episode?
Kramer meets the pigman, of course.
What is PP’s favorite cookie?
Pig Newtons, of course.
What is PP’s favorite piece of advice to his kids?
“Pigs get fed, hogs get slaughtered.” Tough love.
What do pigs think about putting money in a bank modeled in their image with a cork up their you know what?
This is getting weird.
Where did Pumpi’s Nickname “Gas” Come From?
Come on, he is a pig.
If you have any questions about Mr. Piggy, you can contact him at He will try to get back to you within 24 hours. He is one vigilant pig!
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